New for 2021!
The National Junior Arena League
Basingstoke Bluefins have registered for a new league on a national virtual basis, incorporating clubs from all over the UK and Ireland. Hopefully the top eight clubs from those participating in the three rounds will be invited to a face to face final in September. Keep up to date through our social channels. Go Bluefins!
Dates for Rounds in 2021
Round 1 - to take place between 10th and 16th May inclusive -
Round 2 - to take place between 14th and 20th June inclusive
Round 3 - to take place between 12th and 18th July inclusive
Bluefins will decide which day in the timeframe to hold the event.
More about the National ARENA Junior Swimming League.
As always we need officials and volunteers to run the meet, please use the links below to sign up.